Trade School
The Gap We Bridge
Uganda has the youngest population in the world with 77% under the age of 30. There are over 7 million youth living in Uganda with an unemployment rate of 83%. This is due to the lack of vocational skills needed for the jobs that are in demand.
By raising donations of $15,000 we can complete our multipurpose educational building for our youth which will allow us to:
Greatly increase enrollment
Have a wider influence to our most cherished and loved young people in order to build stronger communities
Generate income that will support and sustain the school
The multipurpose building will provide additional classes, workshops, a conference hall, and offices. The completion of this building will increase our graduation rate by over 30%. That means we will be able to help more youth with the vocational training needed so they can make a living for themselves and their families.
We are striving to meet our goal before our next mission trip in July of 2020. Will you partner with us so that we can continue to change the future for the people of Uganda?