Our Ministry


We Serve in Western Uganda -
the Pearl of Africa

Our Mission

Heavenly Bridge Ministry is a Jesus-loving ministry working to impact lives among our people in Uganda.

HBM strives to make a difference in the lives of most Africa's Vulnerable children, women, and the marginalized groups through supporting, equipping and training them in skills that apply in their daily lives. Keeping in mind that specialized education is the key to long change in Uganda and Africa as a whole.

HBM helps individuals, Christian groups, companies, and most especially churches answer the call of the Great Commission. We bridge the gap by connecting them to where the need is greatest, making disciples and planting churches to the glory of God.

Deut. 34:1-4 Moses climbed the Mountain... and then God showed him the whole land, then the Lord said to him “This is the land I swore unto Abraham, unto Isaac and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed”

Our beliefs

"We Are To See The Needs And Meet Them"

At Heavenly Bridge Ministries we believe that God is always waking us up to see the causes that are around us... and do something about them.

"...what have I done? Is there not a cause?"  1 Sam. 17:29

"We Are To Be The Bridge"

We also believe that Jesus was our role model by being our Bridge to the Father and He is calling us to do the same. 

"Go, then, to all people everywhere and make them my disciples..." Matt.28:19

"We Are God's Extended Hands"

We believe we're God's eyes, hands, voice, hands, and feet to the people He is calling us to...

"... and how can they hear about him unless someone tells them" Rom 10:14-15
