Be a bridge
Give a Gift to Transform a Life.
It is in faith that we are stepping out to be a bridge. We recognize that it is not something that we can begin to achieve in our own ability, but we are asking and trusting in the Lord to send us help. Will you support our mission and let God continue to work in the lives of these women and children by taking one of the following steps:
Sponsor a Child: $15/month
Your gift transforms a child’s life by providing:
Medical care
Routine visits from our caregiver
Sponsor a Widow: $25/month
Your gift supports and sustains a widow by providing:
Assistance through landowners to help them grow their own food
Tools, seeds, and animals to help them generate income
Medical care
Funeral expenses when they pass on to glory
Sponsor a Youth through Trade School: $35/month
Your gift provides a youth the ability to:
Attend trade school to develop skills
Become a self-sustaining member of the community are providing a life-changing
Provide for their family
Support Church Planters and Pastors: $35/month
Your gift supports a pastor and his family by providing:
Need info as to what is provided for pastor and family
Support a Small Business for Young Moms: One-time gift of $150
Your gift will help a young mother:
Start a small business.
Support herself and her family
Effect future generations in Uganda.