Heavenly Bridge is a Jesus-loving ministry working to impact lives among our people in Uganda.


Be the BRIDGE - God's extended hands to the most vulnerable.

We are all very aware of how COVID-19 has changed and is continuing to change our lives. The impact has been great in Uganda. It has been very difficult and tough on the local people. Not having a good healthcare system, Uganda chose to shut down everything. This has left the most vulnerable people in dire situations. 

We need your support to alleviate this suffering. Since the partial lift of lockdown in Uganda, our team has been on the ground providing food, medicine, and other essential goods. We are also helping women by replenishing their seeds for crops. Unfortunately, the seeds were used as food during lockdown and now they stand to not have crops for the next harvest.

Moses climbed the Mountain... and then God showed him the whole land, then the Lord said to him “This is the land I swore unto Abraham, unto Isaac and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed.” - Deuteronomy 34:1-4

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Orphan Care

Uganda has 2.5 million orphans. Of that number, 1.2 million are orphaned by AIDS. What do these numbers mean and how can we have a positive impact on the lives of these children?

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Widow Care

Based on the clear instruction in the Bible, Heavenly Bridge Ministries has a heart for widows and is committed to supporting them. Our goal is to provide for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

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Water Wells

8 million people in Uganda are living without access to a safe source of drinking water. There is plenty of natural freshwater but it is unequally distributed throughout the country and is being increasingly exploited. Help us bring fresh water to the people of Uganda.

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Pastor Support and Church Plants

We work with local churches and pastors to ensure their basic needs are met such as transportation, live stock, farming tools, and bibles so they can reach more people with the love of the Lord.

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Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

There are over 7 million youth living in Uganda with an unemployment rate of  83%. We can change the lives of youth by providing the vocational education needed to fill the jobs that are in demand.

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Unforgettable Trips.

From your identity in Christ to direction for the future, you’ll explore your purpose in Him and better define your spiritual gifts. ​You'll gain clarity on how to use the gifts God has given you to live out the Great Commission as a follower of Jesus.

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What Does It Mean to be a Bridge?


It means going the extra mile for someone... To serve them where they are.

It means helping someone else achieve their dream... And changing the lives of future generations.

It means sending the Word of God out to all nations... By providing Bibles for people in their own language. 

 It means providing clean water to save a life... To bring an end to child death from contaminated water.

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